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Really nice job. 

thanks man !!

Nice game. Can't find the blue cave though xD

go down in the forest where you get your first ability but take a left and you will see the path to the blue caves ! double jump is required to get there. Cheers and thank you




thanks @mpozz currently working on a new version of the game !! hopefully will be available soon 

mpozz a new version of the game is available ;) 

Excited to try! Awesome job Spinola 😀

thanks buddy ! Cheers and thank you for the great art !!hope you enjoy it !



Stunning game! The implementation of the art was done so nicely.  The lighting, the sound design, character controller all felt great. If you  continue to work on this one gamepad support would be so awesome.  For me this game was absolutely begging to played with a gamepad, but that's probably just a preference thing. Either way I very much so enjoyed playing it with keyboard and mouse because it's so solid.

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Hi Omniclause thank you very much for playing the game I am improving the gameplay and the code for a new version of the game I have been working on coyote time, variable jump height, enemy AI and some UI interactions I will make a demo for the new version so people can try it !! 

I saw your page you have some really cool art and game devs !! nice ;) 

Thank you very much for the feedback !! Cheers

Omniclause a new version of the game is available ;) 

Coming in from Mynah, I was expecting some nice additions to the fomula that GamesBySpinola has (if you haven't played Mynah, I'd recommend it!); I was pleasantly surprised by what I found in this game with how a lot of nice user-end features were added (more tutorials, interactive NPCs, bringing back the dash/jump tech), and with all this added, the game definitely felt like it was an upgrade to it's predecessor for the most part. One massive thing that I want to give praise to this game for is that the bosses force you to either get extremely good at whatever strategy you want to try to beat them with, or learn a completely new strategy altogether.

I want to emphasize the "for the most part" section I just mentioned; where this game definitely did take steps in the right direction, there were areas of it's gameplay that felt like it had regressed or could be improved on still:

- No I-frames when hit: enemies can stunlock you if they're grouped or you're up against a wall

- Double jump can drop when doing dash&jump tech (you only get one jump): this gets annoying during long spike sections where falling into a pit is a one-way ticket to getting stunlocked and dying

- Keybindings feel bad/mouse was unnecessary/Let players change the keybindings: adding a menu to let the player choose what buttons do what would make the keybinding scheme feel less clunky

- Punctuation/grammar in the story telling: this one's not too big of a deal, but it would definitely benefit from having another person make corrections

- No I-frames on any ability except Special 2: this is especially annoying when you get the first special attack as it locks you in place with an animation that enemies tend to just walk through and hurt you

- Thorns still stunlock: unless you're near a safe spot, falling into thorns (AKA spikes) will almost always be an insta-death. A good remedy to this is causing places to just automatically be placed at the start of the current screen upon touching the thorns (similar to Hollow Knight)

- Enemy attack hitboxes aren't properly matched with enemy attack animations: you won't notice this too much in this base game, but once you do the final challenge, you'll notice this is a huge pain 

All in all, this was definitely an improvement, but somewhere along the process, a few things were missed or code needed to be updated to keep up with the scale of the game. Playing this does give me high hopes for what's to come from GamesBySpinola, so definitely follow this creator and support them if you can!

My playthrough:

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Hey Godsey thank you so much for playing and for the strong feedback it made me realise that yes it´s an improvement on mynah but there´s still a lot of work to do and I will look at the game and take on consideration the points you made and hopefully improve the gameplay, controls and overall experience!

Thank you so much one more time I hope I can make something better the next time there are a few things to take in consideration on the programming that I have to upgrade! Let´s see how this will turn out! cheers and many thank you

oh one more thing I will defenitelly try to work my english I´m sorry for those mistakes and the text boxes those really need an improvement.

really cool to watch you play the game thanks man !

No problem, and let me know when your next project is out; I'd love to play through it

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thank you Godsey ! Cheers


Godsey a new version of the game is available ;)

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Hello! I love the game, it feel good to play, I really like the overall difficulty and I love the art style. Great work 

I'm not done playing it, I just obtained the ability to shoot, but I found something that could be worth mentioning in the room that we obtain that ability. 

First is that I was able to walk without taking damage in every spike of the room and the second things is that the door at the right of the room was not opening even if I had the shooting ability. It opened after closing and reopening the game. 

So far from what I have played, this game is a very good and I don't doubt that the rest of the game will be as good as that.👍

Hey zachattaque thank you for playing the game and for mention those things! I will definitely try to fix that asap as I will also try to improve the code and the game ! Thank you very much mate! 

zachattaque a new version of the game is available ;)

Hi! Your little game is so cool !, Good feeling, and story. I'm a french student in sound design and music for video games. 

I would be interested to work with you on the audio if you mind!

hey Kreattur thank you for playing the game! well the game already has a soundtrack but we can work maybe on a future game. 

Right now I´m with a lot of work but let´s keep in touch and thank you very much for wanting to participate and work with me. 

Yeah, I saw, I talk more about the sound design. But yes, don't hesitate to contact me when you start a new project!

I can leave you my email or my discord if you want :)

yes sure leave it here ! thank you 

My mail :

maybe see you later

hey kreattur I´m working on a new version of the game are you still interested in making some audio

Kreattur a new version of the game is available ;)

Great job! Loved the atmosphere. The story kept pushing me forward, and enemy encounter were challenging. 

Jumping from edges can be tricky because as soon as you're slightly off the edge you can't jump, so you fall and have to get back up to points which can get tedious. In other words, there is no coyote time.

Combat encounters can also go south really fast. The damage system is unforgiving so combat demands caution on the players part.

The enemies aren't complex. They're mostly like Mario enemies, mindless. But you've got to study their behavior to survive engaging them. so combat isn't dynamic, but what is on offer is engaging and challenging enough.

Ultimately, i'm very impressed!


hey mate thank you for the feedback and for playing the game! and you´re right there´s no coyote time that is something that will have to add that for sure.

Thank you very much. Cheers

iconomy a new version of the game is available ;)

Hey, this is great!! It's wonderfully crafted, it feels really polished, and the atmosphere really stands out. Very impressive.

hey mate thank you very much it has been hard to make games but really cool and as I told you it´s getting closer to what I want to be able to do but still not there yet! Cheers

1984pxls buddy a new version of the game is available ;)

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Most of the time you can't jump from the edge of the platform 4:16

hey Z9 2022 thank you for playing the game and for the feedback it was really cool to see other person playing the game. 

a new version of the game is available ;)

Hey, this game looks great and feels good to play. In the deep forest though, I think your textures are having the same compression issues as in your game Mynah. Also, in a small section (I can't quite remember where, I believe it's somewhere close to the entrace to the deep forest)you can see the unity default background at the top right of the screen, I think the background/tilemap is just misaligned. I really enjoyed playing this game, I might finish it when I have the time.

Swift Bird Studios thank you very much for pointing that out I did notice on some scenes that I add some grass was not good and I will fix that as soon as I can! the game is not that big so you should be able to end it next time you play! Cheers mate and thank you for the feedback.

Swift Bird Studios a new version of the game is available.

A++, great use of all my assets! Awesome job :)

hey Penusbmic thank you very much I´m really glad you liked it.

Your art and videos are very inspiring and really good ;) 

Deleted 2 years ago

hey buddy a new verison of the game is available. ;)